Pope Saint Pius X

Born as Giuseppe Melchiorre Sarto, Pope Pius X was born in a large, poor family in Venice.  Despite their poverty, his parents worked hard to give him an excellent education which he coupled with hard work, walking six kilometers to school everyday.  After some years, he got ordained as a priest, and his dedication for his religious work led him to become a Cardinal, and got elected as Pope in 1903.

His pontificate was marked with relevant liturgical and church law reforms, as guided by his motto, “to restore all things in Christ.”  He also worked to deepen the prayer life of the clergy and the laity through the Liturgy of the Hours.  His devotion to the Eucharist and promotion of receiving Holy Communion daily also earned him the title, “Pope of the Blessed Sacrament.”

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Pope Saint Pius X, who lived in simplicity, humility, and wisdom in Christ, pray for us!


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