
The Best Catholic.shareable 12072015

Magnificat is the Canticle of Mary (from the Latin ‘canticulum’ or ‘canticum’ which means ‘song’). This prayer, a personal favorite of mine that I daily say, is recited or sung every night in Lauds or Evening Prayer in the Liturgy of the Hours. Although nightly prayed by the consecrated, every Catholic must love to pray this because this is the spoken by Our Blessed Mother Mary herself during the Visitation, when she visited her cousin Elizabeth, who was pregnant with John the Baptist. As Christmas is drawing near, I’d like to post this because Mary said this as her prayer of thanksgiving, perfect humility, deep humble adoration, and praise to God, as she was also carrying the Child Jesus Christ in her womb. Magnificat is the longest dialogue of Mary in Divine Revelation. Evidently, Mary said that “From this day all generations will call me blessed,” stating her most important role to the Church, to us her spiritual children – from before us, to our present generation and to all the ones who are to be born in the future, because she is the Mother of Our Savior Jesus Christ, and Our Mother too, as He commanded us while on the Cross to accept her as our very own Mother. Hence, we have the duty of honoring her, and giving our loving devotion to her. Magnificat impliedly mentions what the Lord does for justice, as humility is glorified in Heaven, and pride is humiliated in Hell. Let us remember this powerful prayer. Magnificat, probably the earliest Marian hymn, tells of the fulfillment of the Coming of the Messiah, that our faithful God always keeps His promises.

Mary Kris I. Figueroa

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