Psalm 86

1         A prayer of David.


       Incline your ear, LORD, and answer me,

       for I am poor and oppressed.

2      Preserve my life, for I am devoted;

       save your servant who trusts in you.

       You are my God;

3      be gracious to me, Lord;

       to you I call all the day.

4      Gladden the soul of your servant;

       to you, Lord, I lift up my soul.

5      Lord, you are good and forgiving,

       most merciful to all who call on you.

6      LORD, hear my prayer;

       listen to my cry for help.

7      On the day of my distress I call to you,

       for you will answer me.


8     None among the gods can equal you, O Lord;

      nor can their deeds compare to yours.

9     All the nations you have made shall come

      to bow before you, Lord,

      and give honor to your name.

10   For you are great and do wondrous deeds;

      and you alone are God.


11   Teach me, LORD, your way

      that I may walk in your truth,

      single-hearted and revering your name.

12   I will praise you with all my heart,

      glorify your name forever, Lord my God.

13   Your mercy to me is great;

      you have rescued me from the depths of Sheol.

14   O God, the arrogant have risen against me;

      a ruthless band has sought my life;

      to you they pay no heed.

15   But you, Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God,

      slow to anger, abounding in mercy and truth.

16   Turn to me, be gracious to me;

      give your strength to your servant;

      save the son of your handmaid.

17   Give me a sign of your favor:

      make my enemies see, to their confusion,

      that you, LORD, help and comfort me.

This is a favorite Psalm of The Best Catholic’s Main Author, which came to her in a providential manner, in an intimate conversation with God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, manifesting His presence in her life, directing her.