Prayer Petitions For December 30, 2016

December 30, 2016 The Best Catholic

We encourage everyone to post your Daily Prayer Petitions in the Comments section below.  Together we pray as one Catholic Family for our intentions and the intentions of the Pope.  Let us also pray for the suffering souls in Purgatory. Let us adore the Son of the living God who

Mass Readings For December 30, 2016

December 30, 2016 The Best Catholic

First Reading – Colossians 3:12-21 Brothers and sisters: Put on, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, heartfelt compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience, bearing with one another and forgiving one another, if one has a grievance against another; as the Lord has forgiven you, so must you also do.

Prayer Petitions For December 25, 2016

December 24, 2016 The Best Catholic

We encourage everyone to post your Daily Prayer Petitions in the Comments section below.  Together we pray as one Catholic Family for our intentions and the intentions of the Pope.  Let us also pray for the suffering souls in Purgatory. At the birth of Jesus, angels proclaimed peace to the

Mass Readings For December 25, 2016

December 24, 2016 The Best Catholic

First Reading – Isaiah 62:11-12 See, the LORD proclaims to the ends of the earth: say to daughter Zion, your savior comes! Here is his reward with him, his recompense before him. They shall be called the holy people, the redeemed of the LORD, and you shall be called “Frequented,”

Prayer Petitions For December 16, 2016

December 16, 2016 Mary Kris I. Figueroa

We encourage everyone to post your Daily Prayer Petitions in the Comments section below.  Together we pray as one Catholic Family for our intentions and the intentions of the Pope.  Let us also pray for the suffering souls in Purgatory. With confidence let us call upon Christ, the shepherd and

Mass Readings For December 16, 2016

December 16, 2016 The Best Catholic

First Reading – Isaiah 56:1-3A, 6-8 Thus says the LORD: Observe what is right, do what is just; for my salvation is about to come, my justice, about to be revealed. Blessed is the man who does this, the son of man who holds to it; Who keeps the sabbath

Miraculous Facts About Our Lady of Guadalupe

December 12, 2016 Mary Kris I. Figueroa

“Am I not here, I who am your Mother?” Our Lady of Guadalupe spoke this phrase in native Aztec Nahuatl language on the 12th of December 1531 as she had appeared for the fourth time to Saint Juan Diego, a 57-year old Mexican peasant and Catholic convert.  It was also on

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