Saint Clare of Montefalco

August 17, 2016 The Best Catholic

Saint Clare, born in Montefalco, Italy around 1268, was an Augustinian nun and abbess.  She is also known as Saint Clare of the Cross because of her particular devotion to the Passion of Christ and His Cross, inspired by her vision of Jesus.  In the Epiphany of 1294, Saint Clare

Saint Stephen The Great

August 16, 2016 The Best Catholic

Saint Stephen, born in 975, was the son of a Hungarian chief.  Together with his father, he was baptized Roman Catholic by the Archbishop of Prague.  After he marrying the sister of Emperor St. Henry II, he later became the first King of Hungary.  As King, he gave much support

Feast of The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

August 15, 2016 The Best Catholic

This is the day the Church celebrates and honors the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, one of the principal feasts of our Blessed Mother.  This feast is about the departure of Our Lady from her earthly life and the assumption of her body into heaven.  In 1950, Pope Pius

Saint Maximilian Kolbe

August 14, 2016 The Best Catholic

Saint Maximilian Kolbe, born as Raymund Kolbe in 1894, was a Polish Conventual Franciscan friar who died a martyr during World War II.  He is also known as the “Apostle of Consecration to Mary” given his profound veneration of the Blessed Mother inspired by a childhood vision of Our Lady. 

Saint Hippolytus

August 13, 2016 The Best Catholic

Saint Hippolytus, one of our Church Fathers, was considered the most important theologian in Rome of the third century.  He had several writings against the heresies which afflicted the Church at the time.  The most popular of which was “Refutation of all Heresies.” His road to sainthood was rather unusual. 

Saint Jane Frances de Chantal

August 12, 2016 The Best Catholic

Saint Jane Frances de Chantal, born in Dijon, France in 1572, was the daughter of the president of the Parliament of Burgundy.  When she was twenty, she married Christophe, Baron de Chantal and they had four children.  Saint Jane Frances became a widow when Christophe was accidentally killed during hunting. 

Saint Clare of Assisi

August 11, 2016 The Best Catholic

Saint Clare of Assisi was born in Assisi, Italy in the 12th Century.  When she was eighteen years old, she heard her brother, Saint Francis of Assisi, preached his Lenten sermons.  This inspired in Saint Clare a strong desire to follow the Gospel and offer herself to Jesus as a

Saint Lawrence

August 10, 2016 The Best Catholic

Saint Lawrence, being one of the seven deacons of Rome during the time of Pope St. Sixtus, was tasked to give help to the poor and needy.  In those times, persecution broke out in Rome and Pope St. Sixtus was executed.  The prefect of Rome who was a pagan ordered

Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross

August 9, 2016 The Best Catholic

Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (named Edith Stein prior to her vocation) was a Carmelite nun and Martyr during the Nazi regime.  Although born into a Jewish family, she grew up an atheist and kept questioning who God truly was.  But with God’s grace, Saint Teresa was drawn to

Saint Dominic

August 8, 2016 The Best Catholic

Saint Dominic, also known as Santo Domingo in Spanish, was a Castilian priest born in Caleruega, Spain.  He was the founder of “The Order of Preachers” or O.P., more popularly known as “Dominican Order.” Our Lady had chosen Saint Dominic to be given the holy responsibility of making the prayer

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