Feast of the Queenship of the Blessed Virgin Mary

It is our Catholic Faith that our Blessed Mother, on her Assumption to Heaven, is solemnly reunited with her Son, and Our Lord Jesus has crowned Our Lady as Queen of Heaven and Earth. The Church celebrates the Queenship of Mary, Mother of God, as a share in the Kingship of Jesus.

Relatively new to our liturgical calendar, this Feast was established by Pope Pius XII in 1954. But Mary’s Queenship is not only based on Sacred Tradition, but anciently rooted in the Scripture. The Archangel Gabriel, at the Annunciation, proclaimed that Mary would “bear a son, Jesus,” who would be given “the throne of David his father” and “of his kingdom there will be no end” (Luke 1:31-33). Saint Elizabeth, at the Visitation, ardently addressed Mary as “the mother of my Lord” (Luke 1:43). Both narratives clearly point to how the mother of the King is herself a Queen.

This Feast serves as a reminder for us to venerate Mary with much devotion and love, and to enthrone the Queen of Heaven and Earth in our hearts and homes.

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Hail, Our Blessed Mother, Holy Queen, protect us and pray for us!

The Best Catholic

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