Saint Robert Bellarmine

Patron Saint of Catechists

Born in 1542 at Montepulciano, Italy, Saint Robert Bellarmine was the nephew of Pope Marcellus II.  His mother, Cinzia Cervini, was a pious woman who dedicated herself in fasting, almsgiving, and mortification of the body.  Having this good example, he already started composing poems and hymns in Latin and Italian as a boy.  At age 18, he joined the Society of Jesus to study theology and philosophy.  After his ordination, he became a teacher in Louvain where he became known for his Latin sermons, which attracted many crowds.  After six years, he was appointed at the Roman College as chair of controversial theology, to specialize, as the name states, in theological controversies during those days, such as Galileo’s teachings.  He was also a prolific writer on the subject of Catechism, which was of two versions (short and full) and available in 50 languages.  It became one of the bestselling writings and the official Church teaching in 17th-19th centuries.  Thus, he is considered the Patron of Catechists.

In 1598, Saint Robert Bellarmine became a Cardinal.  As a dedicated servant of God and defender of the Church, he fought against the anti-clergy in Venice and against the political agendas of James I of England.  He also wrote extensively to compile an apologetic work against the prevailing heretics of his day. Saint Robert Bellarmine was an important part of the lives of other saints, such as St. Aloysius Gonzaga who treated him as spiritual father and Saint Francis de Sales whom he helped to be formally admitted to the Visitation Order.  He became bishop of Montepulciano for four years prior to his death in 1621.  Saint Robert Bellarmine was canonized a saint by Pope Pius XI in 1930 and after a year, declared Doctor of the Church.


Saint Robert Bellarmine, pray for us!

The Best Catholic

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