Saint Thomas of Villanova

Saint Thomas of Villanova was a friar and archbishop of the Order of Saint Augustine.  He was born in Fuentellana, Castile, Spain in 1488.  His father was a miller who, like his mother, frequently gave food to the needy.  Following the good example of his parents, Saint Thomas had often given his clothes to the poor.  At 16, he entered the University of Alcalá to study Theology and Arts and later became a professor of philosophy there.  He joined in the Order of Saint Augustine in Salamanca in 1516 and was ordained a priest a few years after.  He was a notable preacher, known for his eloquent and beautifully composed sermons.  He also had a great devotion to Our Lady, likening Our Blessed Mother’s heart to the burning bush of Moses that is in flames but never consumed.

In 1544, he was appointed Archbishop of Valencia, a position that was vacant for nearly a hundred years.  He visited each and every parish under his pastoral leadership as part of his commitment to restore the Archdiocese.  Saint Thomas, referred to as “Father of the poor,” was well known for his saintliness, such as personal austerity and charity for the poor such as orphans, widows, and the sick.  His great mind went beyond giving aid; he had a plan to find ways to try to solve the problem of poverty, such as giving work to the poor and establishing boarding schools for their education.  As he himself said, “Charity is not just giving, rather removing the need of those who receive charity and liberating them from it when possible.”


Saint Thomas of Villanova, pray for us!

The Best Catholic

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