Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary

This day marks the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary.  This Memorial was instituted by Pope St. Pius V to commemorate Our Blessed Mother’s steadfast intercession at the Battle of Lepanto on 7 October 1571.  Through the miraculous help of Our Lady, the Holy League of Christian ships emerged victorious over the Ottoman Turkish fleet which tried to take control of Cyprus.  As the Christian forces geared up for the battle, Pope St. Pius V led a massive campaign throughout Europe to recite the Holy Rosary and seek the Virgin’s aid.  At the same time, Pope Pius granted plenary indulgence to the whole crew of the Holy League as they also prepared their souls by hearing Masses and going to Confession.  Those left in Rome also offered a 40-hour devotion to the Blessed Mother at the time the battle took place.  With the defeat of the Ottoman Empire, the Turks were unable to expand to the European side of the Mediterranean Sea and could not further conquer Christians as they did so in the past and made them slaves.

Stories of the battle narrate that before the fight, the naval forces of the Holy League were sailing against the direction of the wind.  It seemed much more difficult for them to win as they saw the Ottoman fleet assembled in large numbers at the sea.  Imploring the intercession of Our Lady, the Christian forces were certainly not disappointed.  Suddenly, the winds shifted the other way.  The Turks had to battle while the wind directly pressed against them.  After five hours of fight, nearly all 300 Ottoman vessels were either sunk or captured.

Clearly, the most significant weapon of the Holy League that not even the strong Turkish troops could overcome was the Holy Rosary.  This historical story of the Battle of Lepanto is just one of the countless times that Our Blessed Mother has interceded and will continue to intercede for all of us Catholics who flee to her and rely on her love.


Our Lady of the Rosary, intercede for us!

The Best Catholic

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