Say the Most Holy Name of “Mary”

The sweetest name of all

I felt so blessed to attend a Recollection given by Fr. Jose Francisco “Jocis” Syquia, the Chief Exorcist of the Archdiocese of Manila Office of Exorcism. I’d like to extend many thanks to the Coordinator of their Ministry whose kind invitation to their Recollection for Lent led me to Sanctuario de San Antonio Parish in Forbes Park, Makati City on April 3, 2017. I believe that the Holy Spirit guided and worked through her because everything I learned that day was exactly what I needed to further understand at this point in my life.

Without prior knowledge of what the Recollection was specifically about, it came to me as a delightful surprise that it was all about Our Blessed Mother, Mama Mary. The religious talk gave emphasis on the most gracious and divine presence of Our Lady in the life of Jesus especially during His childhood, His Passion and death on the Cross, and His Resurrection. The talk also explored the Blessed Virgin’s role in the salvation of the whole of humanity, the Marian Apparitions and their messages, the loving words of the Saints for her as the Mother of God, her precious aid during exorcisms and in conversions of sinners, and the reasons why it is through her intercession that we can become much closer to Jesus.

Personally, the event felt like I completed a course about Our Blessed Mother. I was meant to be there, to simply state. That was the most beautiful and holiest Recollection I’ve ever gone to, delivered by an exorcist priest with so much passion, inspiration, and devotedness to the Lord and Our Lady.

Among the number of topics Fr. Jocis mentioned was the importance of the Most Holy Name of “Mary” in our life, and saying it with love and faith. He made mention of these quotes:

From Saint Bonaventure:

“that thy name, O Mary, cannot be pronounced without bringing some grace to him who does so devoutly… Grant, O Lady, that we may often remember to name thee with love and confidence; for this practice either shows the possession of divine grace, or else is a pledge that we shall soon recover it.”
“that Mary is the salvation of all who call upon her.”

From Mama Mary as spoken to Saint Bridget of Sweden:

“that there is not on earth a sinner, however devoid he may be of the love of God, from whom the devil is not obliged immediately to fly, if he invokes her holy name with a determination to repent.”
“that all the devils venerate and fear her name to such a degree, that on hearing it they immediately loosen the claws with which they hold the soul captive.”
“that in the same way as the rebel angels fly from sinners who invoke the name of Mary, so also do the good angels approach nearer to just souls who pronounce her name with devotion.”

Jesus likewise spoke to Saint Bridget saying that His Most Blessed Mother would grant 3 special graces to those who invoke her holy name with confidence:

  1. That He would grant them perfect sorrow for their sins.
  2. That their crimes should be atoned for.
  3. That He would give them strength to attain perfection, and at length the glory of paradise.

And Jesus further added, “For thy words, O My Mother, are so sweet and agreeable to Me, that I cannot deny what thou askest.”

Fr. Jocis shared that during their team’s exorcisms, whenever he doesn’t know anymore what to do or how to go on with their cases, he need not say out loud the name of Our Blessed Mother. He just silently prays in his mind, “Mary, Mary, be with us.” Then Our Lady gives him an inspiration or help right away. There was a time that after he called upon her, a pleasing scent of flowers would surround the room to reveal her presence and assistance to them.

As I reflect on the above quotes presented in the Recollection, I remember what Saint Alphonsus Mary di Liguori asserted: “In every danger of forfeiting divine grace, we should think of Mary, and invoke her name, together with that of Jesus; for these two names always go together. O, then, never let us permit these two most sweet names to leave our hearts, or be off our lips; for they will give us strength not only not to yield, but to conquer all our temptations.”

We must know that to say the Most Holy Name of Mary is a prayer in itself. Thomas à Kempis, a priest, monk, and writer of the popular book The Imitation of Christ, said that “The invocation of the sacred names of Jesus and Mary is a short prayer which is as sweet to the mind, and as powerful to protect those who use it against the enemies of their salvation, as it is easy to remember.”

Saint Bonaventure exclaimed that “Blessed is the man who loves thy name, O Mary. Yes, truly blessed is he who loves thy sweet name, O Mother of God! For thy name is so glorious and admirable, that no one who remembers it has any fears at the hour of death.”

Mama Mary acquires graces for those who utter her Most Holy Name sweetly and with genuine devotion throughout their life. But more so, she assures those who say her name of a tranquil and holy death. St. Alphonsus further said, “Let us then, O devout reader, beg God to grant us, that at death the name of Mary may be the last word on our lips.” This was the prayer of St. Germanus: “May the last movement of my tongue be to pronounce the name of the Mother of God; O sweet, O safe is that death which is accompanied and protected by so saying a name; for God only grants the grace of invoking it to those whom He is about to save.”

A truly consoling reminder for all of us devotees is the prayer of St. Bonaventure:

“I ask thee, O Mary, for the glory of thy name, to come and meet my soul when it is departing from this world, and to take it in thine arms.”

Lastly, attesting to the aforementioned words of the Saints, I am a humble witness to how saying the Most Holy Name of Mary can save one’s life. I had some critical moments and spiritual encounters in my life. During those times, I would call on Our Lady’s name through my lips and plead for her help, and I instantly would be saved from danger or the brink of death.

Whether you are feeling depressed, burdened, tempted, confused, uncertain, lost, angry, arrogant, forsaken or unloved, run to Mama Mary!  Our Blessed Mother always listens and is truly there for all her children who humble themselves and seek refuge in her arms.

I agree to what Fr. Jocis said to us- to never let a day pass without sincerely uttering the Holy Name of Our Blessed Virgin Mary with confidence and devotedness from the heart and earnestly letting her into our life. Those who faithfully say the Most Holy Name of Mary, the sweetest name of all, each and every day, will be blessed with guidance and protection that our Heavenly Mother so graciously gives.

Saint Joseph, pray for us!

Mama Mary, pray for us!


Mary Kris I. Figueroa

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