When Mama Mary Reaches Out

Listen and Respond

For quite some time now, I’ve been celebrating, or I should say, personally commemorating Our Lady of Lourdes on the 11th of every month, much like the idea of a monthsary. In the past few years, including this year, I realize that there’s always some significant event that happens to me every Feast Day of Our Lady of Lourdes, which is February 11. I wouldn’t say that these happenings in the previous years are all joyous, but they’re definitely spiritual, and personal, which touch my family as well. I know that each event has brought a message from God and Our Lady to inspire or enlighten me at that particular time in my life. I have since then become a devotee of the beautiful and sweet Our Lady of Lourdes in the Grotto to the child visionary, poor and humble girl, Saint Bernadette Soubirous. I’m sure that many of you here have meaningful stories about how your special devotion to Our Lord, to Our Lady, or to a Saint has started.

Lately, Our Blessed Mother, especially under the title of Lourdes, has been reaching out to me, calling my attention in a lot of ways.  Like a traditional Catholic saying, we don’t choose our patron Saints; they choose us.  For me, Our Lady of Lourdes lets me know her holy presence in my life… almost daily in the last few weeks.

Yesterday, I went to an office with my older sister, my Ate, to take care of some forms. I’d been somehow procrastinating doing it. But when a very urgent situation had come up, practically, it seemed impossible to get hold of those papers in time. Soon after, I realized that getting the nearest schedule to accomplish such important paperwork the soonest usually takes months, and that made me worried. Thankfully, there’s still this one and only open schedule, which my sister was able to get. Like I said, I commemorate Our Lady of Lourdes every 11th of the month and as it turned out, the schedule was May 11. I certainly know that it was a nod of help from Our Lady herself as she set this much-needed day for us. To add to this, there were hundreds of people in the venue waiting to be assigned to any of the forty booths or so to complete the process. I happened to have my turn in booth number 11. Though I know that was just a little thing, it still meant something as it reminded me of my personal monthsary for Our Lady of Lourdes. Most of you have probably experienced such kind of aid from Our Lady or intercession from any of the Saints and to be reminded of their invaluable presence in our lives help strengthen our faith and hope in God.

It was quite interesting at that office because as we were seated in queue, we saw a couple of celebrities arriving. Well, the other one is not really a celebrity, but a popular Dominican priest, Fr. Sonny Ramirez, who used to be visible on television back in the 90’s, such as on his weekly program ‘Sharing in the City’ and on Sunday TV Mass.  I still can recall those days, watching him on programs and Mass, and giving emotional reflections and homilies.  The last time I saw him in person was when I was a child at a Mass in the mall.

While sitting and waiting for our turn, my mind wandered off, and I suddenly remembered Our Lady of the Holy Rosary of Manaoag. Many Filipino locals and tourists, from key cities and other provinces, travel the distance to pray to her inside the Minor Basilica. Months ago, providentially, on that day God had blessed, we also visited the Church, and there we prayed for a significant moment in my life as we touched Our Lady’s mantle together, a customary pious act as one kneels before the image. But I got devastated when things didn’t go well as I highly expected and prayed for. And so, as I remembered her, I humbly admit that I felt the temptation to not to pray for her intercession anymore, with my feeling of disappointment. I thought to myself, there are other titles of Mama Mary from her other renowned Apparitions, which I could call onto instead. Later, on our way home, just about a minute or two from where we went, I saw this parked jeepney and written on its headboard was, “Our Lady of MANAOAG.” At that very moment, I instantly felt repentance and remorse for the weak faith I had and that unholy thought of not praying to Our Lady of Manaoag again. I was then reminded also that Fr. Sonny has been actually assigned for a while now in the Minor Basilica in Manaoag being a Dominican himself. I just knew that in the quietness of the moment and amidst my weakness, Our Lady was making her presence felt through people and things, protecting me from the temptation, telling me that she’s still there for me and always will be wherever I am. She knows of my sadness from the apparently unanswered prayer but she wants me to remain faithful in prayer, give her my full confidence and believe that through her help and guidance, everything is going to be okay.

Going back to Our Lady of Lourdes, I thought for a moment about why she has been letting me feel her presence so much more recently. I realize that it’s because I’m going through some life concerns right now, and as a truly loving Mother, she is already there for us before we even ask. First, she wants me to know that I should ask for her intercession more than I’ve ever done before to help me endure these trials. Next is that she’s been revealing to me the areas about myself that I need to improve on. Life was fine and happy before these life trials, and I noticed that my prayer life has subsequently been less instead of more, like spending fewer hours in praying the Divine Office as much as I used to. I could give some excuses, but I think that I got too confident with my spiritual life. Thus, Our Blessed Mother comes to my aid to reveal to me a few of my weaknesses that I’m now already making amends for, healing, and improving on. I’m trying my hardest now to be stricter in my personal path to holiness. The key is not to be complacent in one’s prayer life, because it is through prayer that one develops more spiritual awareness and overcomes spiritual struggles.

A lot of you probably also feel the same temptation of abandoning prayer at one point or more in your life when your prayers are unanswered and your life is in distraught. Remember that you feel this way because evil thoughts from the other side are trying to discourage you from believing in God’s mercy and Our Blessed Mother’s tender love. But look around you and deep inside you, Our Merciful Father, with His Son, Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with Him in the unity of the Holy Spirit is omniscient (ever-knowing), omnipresent (ever-present), and omnipotent (ever-powerful).  Know also that Our Loving Mother, Mama Mary reaches out in providential ways that only the soul can see and hear. Pay close attention and be open so as not to miss them.  Listen with your heart and respond with love.

Our Lady of the Holy Rosary of Manaoag, pray for us!

Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us!

Mama Mary, pray for us!


Mary Kris I. Figueroa

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