Gospel Reflection for January 7, 2018- The Three Kings

Melchior, Caspar, Balthasar

Mass Readings for the Day:
Isaiah 60:1-6, Psalm 72:1-2, 7-8, 10-11, 12-13, Ephesians 3:2-3A, 5-6, Matthew 2:2; Matthew 2:1-12

The journey of the Magi to pay homage to Baby Jesus, guided by the Star of Bethlehem, is one of the most beloved stories for Catholics of all ages. Since early childhood, we have already been aware of the three Magi since they are often a part of the Nativity set. Most of us are also familiar with the song “We Three Kings.”

1.  Saint Bede had a writing called “Excerpta at Collectanaea” in the seventh century that named the Three Kings:

“The magi were the ones who gave gifts to the Lord. The first is said to have been Melchior, an old man with white hair and a long beard… who offered gold to the Lord as to a king. The second, Caspar by name, young and beardless and ruddy complexioned… honored Him as God by his gift of incense, an oblation worthy of divinity. The third, black-skinned and heavily bearded, named Balthasar … by his gift of myrrh testified to the Son of Man who was to die.”

A Saints’ Calendar from Cologne gave more information about the Three Kings and their feast days:

“Having undergone many trials and fatigues for the Gospel, the three wise men met at Sewa (Sebaste in Armenia) in A.D. 54 to celebrate the feast of Christmas. Thereupon, after the celebration of Mass, they died: St. Melchior on Jan. 1, aged 116; St. Balthasar on Jan. 6, aged 112; and St. Caspar on Jan. 11, aged 109.”

Their true identity remains a mystery. But one thing’s for sure… They are not a product of fiction. The Church acknowledges that the Three Magi existed, and their story indeed happened.

2.  The Three Wise Men were most possibly Persian priest-astrologers who could interpret the stars and the particularly unique appearance of the Star of Bethlehem that proclaimed the coming of the Messiah. Back in those days, people believed that stars and their constellations spoke of the Divine will.


My Reflection on the significance of the journey of the Magi to the Holy Family- Jesus, Mary and Joseph

1. Our own spiritual journey to find God

In the Second Reading, it says, “It was not made known to people in other generations as it has now been revealed to his holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit: that the Gentiles are coheirs, members of the same body, and copartners in the promise in Christ Jesus through the gospel.”

God became Man not only for the Jewish people, but for the Gentiles—for all mankind. But it is up to every person to discover and accept the Truth Who is the Messiah.

Each one of us who truly seek God has his own personal spiritual journey in finding Him. Some have the grace of finding Jesus soon enough, just like the shepherds who directly witnessed the day of His birth. Those people who find Jesus sooner are usually blessed with religious and righteous parents who guided them as children. Growing up, they remained in the path to holiness, mostly through the help of their parents or guardians. Such righteous disposition has remained in them up to the time they became parents themselves.

Some, however, have to have a long journey, and that’s because of various reasons. There are individuals baptized as Catholics, but only have the conversion of heart as young adults. They probably had lukewarm Catholic parents who did not have the time and dedication to teach them about the Faith. Others are born Non-Catholics, and conversion to the True religion happens with them much later on. For most of these people, finding God on their own has been a long, emotional, inner journey.

Well, the Three Magi started their journey as pagans. But when they found Jesus, they accepted Him as their Messiah. Whichever spiritual journey you are going through, what’s important is that you find God in the end, and hopefully, as soon as possible.

2. The Star of Bethlehem in our lives

Many of us desire to know and adore God. But like the Magi, we need a guiding star, the Star of Bethlehem shining above the Holy Family, to give us spiritual direction, inspiration, strength, and courage to go on in the path to holiness. Perhaps this Star is your family, or the person you love. It can also be a spiritual goal, or a theological idea that dawned on you.

3. My own guiding Star

Just to share with you my own experience, my Star that guides me are the Saints; Mama Mary and Saint Joseph, in particular. They never fail to protect and defend me from any evil or harm. When I lack strength, I turn to the Saints and read about their lives. Their holiness surely inspires me to remain firm in the journey to holiness. More than our earthly family and loved ones, the Saints are powerful in their intercessions to God and guidance. In particular, Our Blessed Mother is the most certain way to go to Jesus; like the Star of Bethlehem that directly led the wise Magi to Him.

4. Wisdom in our spiritual journey

Remember that having wisdom throughout your spiritual journey is critical, just like in the experience of the Magi, or the “wise men” as they are aptly called. Be wise, because the evil side, and the persons under their influence, might set traps along your journey, and send malice unto you, out of their evilness, hatred, revenge, or envy.

To the Magi, it was Herod. But since they were righteous and on the side of God, they were warned in a dream not to return to Herod who would surely entrap them with death or evil. The Magi were being wise, and obeyed the sign they received from God.

“And having been warned in a dream not to return to Herod, they departed for their country by another way.”
-Matthew 2:12

5.  Discernment of people in our lives

In present day, true Catholics like us struggle against worldliness and other traps like temptations and silent attacks, set by the evil side. That is why, like the Three Wise Men, we must have the wisdom to discern the people we let into our lives. We should pray to have the proper discernment if people indirectly or directly lead us to evil or sin; if they are of God or not.

Herod had the outward appearance of a king or a leader, but his soul was evil. Likewise, some people around you might appear ‘cool’ and give you benefits when you go with them, like lavishness, fun, money or food. But what you don’t realize is that they are influenced by the evil side. If you could just see how they are rotten on the inside.

The only way to not be deceived by them is to pray to the Almighty God, to cling to Mama Mary, and to call on to the Saints for assistance. Praying is the best thing that we can do as we journey and encounter evil kinds of people along the way. We must ask for heavenly guidance in discerning the people in our lives, that it may be revealed to us whether they are of God or not.

As we pray, be open to listen to the voice of God in our hearts telling us what to do in any situation, and promptly respond, like the Three Magi did. Ultimately, our journey will lead us to the Holy Manger, where we would be “overjoyed” (Matthew 2:10) to see and adore Jesus.

A simple prayer I wrote for the day:
Holy Infant Jesus Christ, Mama Mary and your chaste spouse Joseph, be my guiding Star, until I reach Heaven one day to be with you forever.

Saint Joseph, pray for us!

Mama Mary, pray for us!


Mary Kris I. Figueroa

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