Prayer Petitions For May 23, 2023 – Tuesday, Seventh Week of Easter

All honor and glory to Christ, who has given the faithful a share in the Holy Spirit. Let us cry out to him, saying:
Christ, hear us.

Send forth the Holy Spirit from the Father,
— to cleanse and strengthen the Church and spread it throughout the world.
Christ, hear us.

Lord, by your Spirit, guide those who govern us,
— that they may be servants of the common good in your name.
Christ, hear us.

Pour out your Spirit, the protector of the poor,
— to help and lift up all those in need.
Christ, hear us.

We pray for all stewards of your mysteries,
— that they may always be found faithful.
Christ, hear us.

By your suffering, resurrection and ascension you accomplished our redemption,
— bring it to completion in the souls and bodies of the dead.
Christ, hear us.


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Act of Spiritual Communion
If you are unable to physically receive Holy Communion during Mass, make a solemn recitation of this Prayer for Spiritual Communion by Saint Alphonsus Maria de Liguori.
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